Powering our future is up to all of us. During Minnesota’s Careers in Energy Month the Minnesota Energy Consortium invites communities to engage and explore how to participate in the future energy workforce. Visit a generation site, meet with an industry partner, attend a career event, check out the lab space at your local Minnesota State institution or attend a virtual session to see if a high demand and high paying career in energy is right for you.
There are currently over 121,402 employees supporting and servicing all Minnesota’s power needs across the state. In 2021 we saw jobs in the energy sector increase by 2.5% thanks to historic federal and state investments in our future these numbers will continue to grow. As we move to achieve the state’s goal of 100% clean energy by 2040, we are creating space for new and growing industries.
As a result, the Minnesota Energy Consortium continues to build community for our utilities, state colleges and universities, state agencies, unions, and community organizations to ensure and develop a skilled and knowledgeable energy workforce.
We hope you’ll consider exploring what a career in energy might look like for you by attending an event virtually or in person. You can find a calendar of all the events being hosted this month at energycareersminnesota.org all month long.
Careers in Energy Month is organized by the Minnesota Energy Consortium and the Minnesota State Energy Center of Excellence.
(320) 564-5020