Join Climate Generation’s TeachScience Mankato workshop that will bring science, engineering, and education together to provide a foundation for learning towards the new MN middle school science energy and climate standards and support learners in building green career awareness and skills. Learn more about the TeachScience Project.
The renewable and environmental job sector grew by 237% in the U.S. in the last five years. Curriculum that supports students’ development of the technical and adaptive skills needed in a green economy will connect students to career pathways that help them envision a healthy future. We are excited to have Green Professionals join the TeachScience workshops to share their stories.
Sabri Fair will share about his experiences as the Associate Sustainability Planner at Region Nine Development Commission. He utilizes his wide ranging personal, professional, educational experiences to support the sustainable and resilient development of rural communities and economies. This includes working with communities to develop climate action plans, supporting the implementation of clean energy initiatives, and he connects sustainable farmers with sales outlets like schools and restaurants.
We are so excited to be joined by KidWind and the Minnesota State Energy Center for Excellence as curriculum partners. Click their photos below to learn more! Climate Generation’s Green Careers for a Changing Climate and newly updated Experience Energy curricula will be explored to help teachers and students use science practices to make sense of social and scientific phenomena. Teachers will get to leave with a printed copy of the new 6 lesson curriculum Experience Energy and classroom materials! Check out all our curricular resources here.
KidWind will provide the opportunity to learn the science and technology around the power grid, wind turbines, and solar power. The energy-based content combined with practical standards connected classroom activities will make it easy to bring renewable energy into the classroom.
The Minnesota State Energy Center for Excellence will be bringing their Mobile Energy Classroom on site. The trailer is fitted with its own cabin-sized solar system and they are excited to share curriculum and resources they’ve gathered over the years to help teachers build an energy classroom experience that excites and engages students.
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